Samsung YP-K3
I bought the MP3-player "Samsung YP-K3" a few days ago. Here I want to report about my experiences I made on using the K3 on my Linux system.
2008-03-30: A method for upgrading the firmware version 3.09 to Korean firmwares 4.xx has become public.New firmware
Upgrading the Samsung K3 to the Korean firmware versions 4.xx has several advantages, including:- USB mass storage support instead of using the MTP protocol. This is very useful when using Linux or Mac OS.
- No need for ID3 tags - directory structure is used instead.
- File browser is included.
- ogg file support.
- Text file support.
- Currently, one player (out of two) didn't worked at two Windows systems (out of three) at my own experience. The player wasn't correctly recognized and there was a problem with an ini file. Obviously, dropping the MTP stuff resolves that kind of problems.
If you are using a 3.xx firmware, you need MTP support. One possible MTP implementation uses FUSE and can be installed on a Gentoo system as follows:
emerge fuse libmtp
To copy/delete songs, pictures, etc. to/from the K3, I installed the mtpfs package. Gentoos portage does not contain this package, hence I downloaded the source archive and a simple
make install
mkdir /mnt/k3
mtpfs /mnt/k3
cp/mv/rm ...
fusermount -u /mnt/k3
Interesstingly, I was able to copy non-jpg and non-mp3 files as well. As I think I could remember, this was not possible when using the Windows Explorer for copying, which I tested before all that.
ID3 Tags
However, the most annoying for me was the damn ID3 tag usage. Many MP3s one has on a hard disk may not contain ID3-tags. Fortunately, Linux users have a bash where they can change/set ID3 tags on a large amount of files systematically. Lets say, you have a directory called "AlbumX" containing the corresponding mp3-files. Save the following script as ""
"Set song title based on file name" - script
SONG=${STRIP//_/ }
id3v2 --song "$SONG" "$1"
and call IFS=$'\n'; for i in `ls *.mp3`; do "$i"; done
to set the the
song title of all those
mp3s based on the filename. Often, there are mp3s with filenames like "artist - song.mp3". In this
case you could use a script like the following:
"Set song title and artist based on file name" - script
SONG=${SONG//_/ }
if [ -f "$1" ];
id3v2 --song "$SONG" --artist "$ARTIST" "$1"
echo "file does not exist"